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Children Road Safety Education

Road safety is a great subject in which to engage children and young people. It’s a subject even the youngest children know something about because everyone uses roads, and road danger impacts on everyone. It’s also a vitally important subject. Every day children and young people are interacting with the road and traffic system either as a passenger, pedestrian, cyclist or driver. Road safety education in schools aims to prepare and equip this vulnerable road user group with the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes that will enable them to stay safe.

RSP has a range of road safety education programs that target school-age children from 6 to 12 years of age and mainly consist of learning of safe crossing, beeing seen, safewalk along the road, recognition of road signs and markings and signals, not to play close to roads, using helmet, seatbelt, etc.

Educators and Mentors have an important role to help children increase their awareness of Road Safety so at RSP once a year we hold a workshop for them to get familiar with kids education techniques and bear in mind important differences between ages and use various teaching methods such as making speach, playing videos, gaming, practical road cross training, theatre and other creative ways.

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